Saturday, May 19, 2012

DIY inspired hello berry bracelet

Finally, I made my own inspired "hello berry bracelet" as most of you might know that this bracelet is so popular on etsy and it is quite expensive if you were to buy it. I believe it's around $30 or more. I have seen a tutorial on YouTube on how to do it so, I went to my local Joann store and got me plastic laces and some chains. The chains were on clearance for 0.97cents and the plastic laces were $4.99 but I got a 40% coupon off regular item so my total came up to be less than$7. Can you imagine I can make 10 different color bracelets for not even a one hello berry bracelet... Just saying.. I am not trying to hate or anything..well I hope you ladies will try to make your own coz it's very easy all you need is a little bit of practice. And you will have your own "hello berry inspired bracelet"

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